Educational offer
Seminars & Workshops.
Structured mediation with individual support. I am an education consultant, an experienced professional in education management, who supports organizations and individuals to optimize their education processes by offering tailor-made advice and solutions.
Educational experience.
- AhfJ [Akivierungshilfe für Jüngere]
- BvB [Berufsvorbereitende Bildungsmaßnahme]
- BVJ [Berufsvorbereitungsjahr]
- BIK/V - [Berufsintegrations / -vorklassen]
- BOM [Berufsorientierungsmaßnahme]
- POA [Potentialanalyse]
- GFI [Betreuung von Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationshintergrund]
- Weiterbildung von Mitarbeitenden im IT Bereich [Konzeption und Durchführung]

Conveying content can be a difficult task. When knowledge moves from A to B, it needs crash barriers to ensure that the freight arrives safely. Together with you we develop training concepts, feasibility and availability. Together we will find one for your individual content.

People are as different as their learning styles - and that's a good thing. I want to address each one without losing sight of the goals of the workshop. With foresight and a clear structure, we prepare knowledge didactically, create training documents and conduct seminars.

The conception in education management includes the development of educational measures. Pedagogical and strategic aspects are taken into account to ensure effective implementation. The aim is to create an optimal learning environment.